Eden Grocery Store Sandwiches - Great quality, quick, healthy and cheap

Only the freshest ingredients
     Eden is a grocery store that is located in the La Cite complex that is located on the corner of Parc and Prince Arthur in downtown Montreal. Eden is a nice alternative to other large chain grocery stores such as Metro and Provigo because it provides a nice select ion of healthier choice foods, yet University students, such as I, tend to avoid doing the grocery shopping there because of the increased prices. I would just like to say, that if you don't go to Eden to shop for basic food items, there is still a reason to check the place out! I say this because they have a sandwich bar located at the back of the store which provides customers with a quick, cheap and delicious meal. These sandwiches are ideal for University students for a plethora of reasons. There are many different kinds of sandwiches: tuna salad (AMAZING), chicken salad, turkey, ham, egg salad, roast beef and if you want to be adventurous they even have crab salad. This is important for us McGill students who live in a downtown area with very limited cheap food options. This was you can go to Eden a few times in a week and not get sick of what you're eating. The food comes to you quickly as all the sandwich makers are expertly trained to create a delicious sandwich for you in a short amount of time as they have plenty of customers to satisfy. One of the most important beneficiaries of these sandwiches is the fact that they are delicious despite being healthy. This is rarely the case with food in general, and so important to University students who are encountering weight fluctuations due to alcohol consumption and sedentary activities. Another important factor to consider is that these sandwiches are appropriate to eat at any time, they have versatility. I can eat one before doing exercise, on a hungover morning, when I'm really hungry and I often enjoy eating one in front of the television to celebrate finishing a midterm or final exam. The cost is relatively cheap as well, as you can get a large baguette sandwich with a drink for 10 dollars. This is 2-3 dollars then a subway sandwich and you don't feel awful after consuming one.
     Lean meats, fresh vegetables, freshly baked bread, and sandwich makers with expertise and winning smiles. If you haven't had one of these sandwiches, you're missing out!
Does this look like it's healthy???
(Subway....(beef?) Sandwich)
